PolleAire Filters
PollenAire Filters are more effective than throw-away filters, are easy to install, easy to clean and built to last a life time. They protect heating and cooling units, reduce furniture dust and give remarkable aid to more sensitive individuals.
The PollenAire is constructed of only the finest materials available. The durable aluminum frame is anodized to resist corrosion and oxidation. Space age polypropylenes and polyester are combined in a unique series for lasting performance, and metal lath is added to ensure greater strength.
The PollenAire Electrostatic Air Filter has been tested by a prominent independent laboratory in accordance with the ASHRAE 52-76 test standard. And it's warrented to be free from defects in material and workmanship for as long as you own your unit!
Economical, built for a lifetime, and easy to install, Pollenaire Filters are available in any size to fit your needs. Often, your purchase can be tax deductible.
Item 11001 (16"x20"x1") $128.25
Item 11002 (16"x25"x1") $128.25
Item 11003 (20"x20"x1") $128.25
Item 11004 (20"x25"x1") $128.25
Item 11005 (20"x30"x1") $128.25
Item 11006 $155.25
(Custom Size: specify dimensions up to 799 square inches)
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