Homeopathics & Special
As we've become a better educated, more informed people, we have examined and modified our diets. We've supplemented them with vitamins, minerals and other health promising additives. Books on health and lifestyles are creating a blizzard of best sellers. Yet in the midst of all these laudable efforts, our understanding of viable health care alternatives is sadly behind most of the world.
One of these alternatives is called Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a scientific teaching that is based on using specifically prepared, natural remedies to stimulate the body's inherent ability to heal itself. No other medical path affords the user the safety, availability and beneficial healing responses that are basic to homeopathy.
First discovered in the late 18th century by the gifted German physician-chemist Christian Hahnemann, homeopathy is based on the premise known as the Law of Similars. This premise, supported by homeopathic proving, is that whatever symptoms a substance will cause in a healthy person, it will create a healing response in an ill person.
Dr. Hahnemann began developing his work by giving a sick person a diluted and potentized portion of a substance which generated the same disease symptoms in a healthy one. He observed that in many cases the body could heal itself. This great breakthrough led to the worldwide establishment of the medical science known as Homeopathy - coinded by Hahnemann from the Greek root words homoios ("similar") and pathos ("suffering").
In the United States, as in Europe and many other countries around the world, homeopathic physicians are fully licensed M.D.'s - usually with the same training as their allopathic (conventional medicine) counterparts.
Nutrition For Life Homeopathic Remedies have been formulated in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. When using homeopathic preparations it is advisable to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Dissolve homeopathic tablets on the tongue. For common symptoms take one tablet three to four times daily. For severe symptoms take one tablet every five to fifteen minutes until improvement. Children under six take one-half the adult dosage.
Storage: These products will maintain their potency if stored in a cool (moderate temperature), dry place. Avoid direct sunlight, radiation, and humidity.