The Company -
Nutrition For Life can offer you what few other network marketing companies can: Stability. We've been helping people like you attain their goals for nearly a decade. We're a public company with all the financial backing necessary to sustain and support tremendous growth. Nutrition For Life is know for its long track record of innovation and reliability.
Our management team is second to none. President David Bertrand and Executive Vice President Jana Mitcham lead a team of highly-motivated home office personnel whose goal is to serve you. Their hands-on management style gives you the personal attention you need to make your business a success.
Nutrition For Life has consistently ranked among the "cutting edge" companies in the field. Income Opportunities Magazine named Nutrition For Life one of the Top Ten network Marketing companies of North America. FreEnterprise Magazine has Nutrition For Life listed among the top two nutritional companies in the nation, an an independent marketing comparison of 80 companies throughout North America named Nutrition For Life the #1 Opportunity Company. Now, that's a company to watch!