Vitamin & Mineral
A fat-soluble nutrient necessary for growth and the repair of body tissues, Vitamin A is important to the health of the eyes, skin, hair and mucous membranes. This vitamin is said to help protect the body against mainy of the ravages of pollution. Vitamin A is found in some plants and parts of animals that have eaten carotene and converted it to Vitamin A. The richest source of Vitamin A is Fish Liver Oil.
This super potency formula contains all the B vitamins known to be essential nutrients for turning food into energy, plus Inositol and PABA in a base of natural herbs. This formula is a coenzyme, making other vitamins more usable.
Vitamin B6 helps the body metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins and is essential in helping the body produce niacin (Vitamin B3.) B6 aids in the absorption of B12 and helps maintain salt and water balances. B6 is necessary for the production of antibodies, red blood cells and HCL. It has been reported that those whose diets are high in protein and women who take birth control pills are likely to need extra Vitamin B6.
We specially developed this formulation of Vitamin A and C, along with the herbal spice Cayenne Pepper. The bioflavonoids help to maintain collagen tissue, and nutritionally support capillary strength an permeability.
This water-soluble vitamin nutritionally supports blood vessels and assists in the absorption of iron. It is involved in virtually all vital functions of the glands and organs. As an antioxidant nutrient, it helps counteract some effects of pollution on the body. Vitamin C is also important to the body's manufacture of collagen, a substance that binds cells together and is necessary for the connective tissue in the skin, ligaments and bones. Due to the vitamin's instability and its important relationship with many other nutrients, it is crucial to ensure that sufficient amounts are supplied consistently.
Water-soluble Vitamin C is not stored by the body. Because some studies indicate that the contribution of Vitamin C to health is based upon its peak availability, Nutrition For Life offers this 1,000 mg. formula which gradually releases into the body to provide a more consistent supply.
Great-tasting Vitamin C for all the members of the family!
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) is necessary for the makeup of Coenzyme A, which activates the cellular metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins ( for their synthesis, breakdown and release of energy ). Coenzyme A is also needed for the formation of steroids, for the synthesis of acetylcholine a ( a regulator of nerve tissues ) and other important body compounds. Pantothenic Acid is considered essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids.
More than just another form of Vitamin E supplement, this formula contains the full spectrum of the valuable E vitamin plus Lecithin and Wheat Germ Oil.
This pleasant-tasting vitamin form for all members of the family provides an adequate supply of Vitamin E ( 400 IU per wafer ) to help nutritionally support cell membranes. Its antioxidant properties make Vitamin E an important part of any nutritional support program.
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