Vitamin & Mineral
Master-Key Plus is a state-of-the-art supplement that provides more than 50 homeopathics, vitamins, microminerals, trace elements and othe nutrient factors in their most tolerable and absorbable form, all in a single packet. This combination of homeopathics and nutritional supplements works as a powerful antioxidant, supporting the body's natural defenses agianst damaging free radicals.
Some who begin their Master-Key Plus program with three packets per day find they experience a mild "detoxification" as their bodies adjust to the benefits of the Master-Key Plus ingredients. So we suggest you begin your Master-Key Plus program with no more than two packets per day for the first week. If this amount seems to satisfy your body's needs, continue on it. However, if you feel your body still requires more nutritional intake, increase the amount to three packets per day.
After the first three months, you may want to add a calcium supplement to your program if your diet doesn't provide sufficient calcium. We suggest that you incorporate Calcium and Magnesium with Potasium (Item 03005) into your program.
A premium mega-potency vitamin and mineral formula, Grand Master Formula is completely balanced, with all major minerals chelated, and features 72 trace minerals, primrose, octacosanol and a natural riboflavin coating. It is especially valuable in meeting the increased nutritional needs of adults young and old.
Grand Master Formula is a result of extensive development to achieve a food supplement that would offer in a single formula the nutrients our bodies demand in a balanced high-potency form. With 25,000 units of Vitamin A, 60 mg. of B1, B2, and B6, 1,200 mg. of Vitamin C, 400 units of Vitamin E, 1000 mg. of calcium and 400 mg. of magnesium, the Grand Master Formula is truly top of the line
This full potency nutritional support formula provides extra protection against the effects of pollution and smoking. High in Vitamins C, B1 and A, known to be effective antioxidants, Oraflow Plus is possibly the most potent antioxidant formula currently available!
A Homeopathic Multivitamin/Multimineral formulation comprised of four distinct formulas: a homeopathic formula, a vitamin/mineral formula, acidophilus bifidus, and a time-released Calcium/Magnesium formula.
Acidophilus is a friendly flora that inhabits the stomach and intestines. When your digestive tract has a healthy population of acidophilus, digestion and bowels can function at their peak. Because antibiotics kill bacteria - friendly and unfriendly alike - individuals taking antibiotics should especially supplement the acidophilus in their system.
A nutritional supplement children take willingly, Yummies are also suitable for adults who have difficulty swallowing tablets. A great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, B1,B2,B6 and Pantothenic Acid.
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